All are called in Community of Christ to engage in the mission of Christ. Some are called by God to priesthood (ordained ministers), in specific offices or roles, each of which represents a different part of Jesus’ ministry.
Priesthood is a sacred covenant with God and the church. Priesthood members are dedicated to creating sacred communities that prepare, equip, and send disciples in Christ’s mission. In Community of Christ, we recognize the office of Member or Disciple as having duties and responsibilities essential to the mission of the church. We also have two orders of priesthood (ordained ministry): Aaronic and Melchisedec. |
Aaronic PriesthoodThe Aaronic priesthood witness for Jesus Christ by calling individuals, families, congregations, and communities into deeper relationships with each other and our Lord. The presence of Aaronic ministers in our faith community is essential for our nurturing as a people who desire to be a global expression of Christ’s Peaceable Kingdom on earth.
Deacon Teacher Priest |
Melchisedec PriesthoodThe Melchisedec priesthood is composed of two primary offices—elder and high priest. Some elders are also called to the specialized office of seventy. Some high priests are also called to the specialized offices of evangelist, bishop, apostle, or president.
Elder Seventy High Priest Bishop Evangelist Apostle President |
Church Structure |
World Church LeadershipFIRST PRESIDENCY
Community of Christ is led by a Prophet-President. The First Presidency is composed of the Prophet-President and two counselors. The First Presidency presides over the Melchisedec priesthood and World Church. Listen to the First Presidency on Coffee Buzz, part of Project Zion Podcast. |
Members of the Council of Twelve Apostles are high priests called and ordained to be special witnesses of Christ's peace. The Twelve oversee the missionary work of the church. Assigned by the First Presidency, they carry major responsibility for church expansion, and serve as supervisors over field jurisdictions. |
Each quorum of seventy is led by a President of Seventy who serves on the Council of Presidents of Seventy. Presidents of Seventy work closely with the Council of Twelve Apostles to lead the missionary effort of the church and share Christ’s peace. SEVENTY The Seventy carry out missionary work for the church in close association with other missionary leaders. Seventy are organized into groups by geographic area called quorums. Each quorum is led by a quorum president. The ministry of the Seventy is focused on invitation and witness modeled after Luke 10:1-12 which begins, "After this the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go" (Luke 10:1 NRSV). Seventy are Forerunners of Christ's peace. |
The Presiding Evangelist (formerly called Presiding Patriarch) serves as a spiritual companion, counselor and guide to the church, its leaders, and to the Order of Evangelists in fulfilling the significant ministry they provide to the church, especially in a time of transformation and change. EVANGELISTS Evangelists are ordained to be ministers of blessing, witnesses of Jesus Christ and responsive to the reconciling and redeeming influence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of persons. Evangelists serve in multiple ministries according to the unique gifts and callings of each evangelist. Evangelists are High Priests. Learn more about Evangelist blessings. |
High priests are ministers of vision for Community of Christ. The Quorum of High Priests includes more than 1,000 experienced ministers called to provide servant leadership based on the model of Jesus Christ. High priests articulate vision and challenge us to see Christ's mission, our mission, and what is possible--as disciples, as ministers, as congregations, as communities, and as a worldwide church. |
The Presiding Bishopric consists of the Presiding Bishop and two counselors. Together they are responsible for looking after the finances and properties of the church. They are advocates of economic justice for all and teach the principles of stewardship and generosity. They preside over the Aaronic priesthood and all the bishops in the church (known as the Order of Bishops). BISHOPS The Order of Bishops guides the church in teaching and preaching "Disciple’s Generous Response Principles." Bishops are supported by the Presiding Bishopric in training and strengthening the ministry of the Aaronic priesthood members. They support justice and peacemaking by advocating for economic justice in the church and world. Bishops are High Priests. |