Scripture is writing inspired by God’s Spirit and accepted by the church as the normative expression of its identity, message, mission, and beliefs. We affirm the Bible as the foundational scripture for the church. In addition, Community of Christ uses the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. When responsibly interpreted and faithfully applied, scripture provides divine guidance and inspired insight for life.
Scripture articulates a vision of peace, challenges unjust conditions, and comforts and grounds us during difficult times. We are one in our belief that the scriptures are vital to our discipleship as individuals and congregations. We are many in how we use the scriptures. Some of us use the Bible exclusively. Others have powerful testimonies of the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants in witness and worship. We do our honest best as we use and interpret the scriptures. Scripture is a library of books that speaks in many voices. These books were written in diverse times and places, and reflect the languages, cultures, and conditions under which they were written. God’s revelation through scripture does not come to us apart from the humanity of the writers, but in and through that humanity. In the earthen vessels of scripture we have been given the treasure of divine love and grace (2 Corinthians 4:7). Read more about "Scripture in Community of Christ." Listen to theologians Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith share our perspective on scripture. |
Doctrine & Covenants 163 tells us this about scripture:
7 a. Scripture is an indispensable witness to the Eternal Source of light and truth, which cannot be fully contained in any finite vessel or language. Scripture has been written and shaped by human authors through experiences of revelation and ongoing inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the midst of time and culture. b. Scripture is not to be worshiped or idolized. Only God, the Eternal One of whom scripture testifies, is worthy of worship. God’s nature, as revealed in Jesus Christ and affirmed by the Holy Spirit, provides the ultimate standard by which any portion of scripture should be interpreted and applied. c. It is not pleasing to God when any passage of scripture is used to diminish or oppress races, genders, or classes of human beings. Much physical and emotional violence has been done to some of God’s beloved children through the misuse of scripture. The church is called to confess and repent of such attitudes and practices. d. Scripture, prophetic guidance, knowledge, and discernment in the faith community must walk hand in hand to reveal the true will of God. Follow this pathway, which is the way of the Living Christ, and you will discover more than sufficient light for the journey ahead. Read all of Doctrine and Covenants 163. |